78 Creative Writing Jokes For Aspiring Authors to Laugh At!

78 FUNNY Creative Writing Jokes For Aspiring Authors to Laugh At!

Writing is not only for poets and those with exceptional intelligence. They are intended for everyone who wants to express their emotions. Don’t be afraid to put down what you’ve got in mind. We may not have a joke-writing formula or joke writing techniques, and we may not be able to guide you on how to write jokes, but one thing is certain: we do not lack creativity or originality. You will undoubtedly have a good time with our amusing writing jokes.

Writing Jokes

Our collection of jokes about writing will motivate you to put pen to paper. While you’re reading through our jokes about creative writing, remember to have fun and enjoy the process of writing.

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Do you know who is the writer that spends less gas per kilometer?
Umberto Eco.

Do you know who is the writer that spends less gas per kilometer? Umberto Eco.

Just heard Barrack Obama’s main writer has been killed…
Sources reporting that he is currently speechless.

Read more: Obama’s Inspirational Quotes

What did the writer say when he glued himself to his book?
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

My friend from Prague is a writer.
He likes to use Spellczech.

What does a writer hope to get in a Christmas cracker?
A Pull-it-surprise!

How does a Buzzfeed writer catch fish?

Laugh more: Funny Fish Jokes

Did you hear about the writer that became a tailor?
He had to make an Ernest living, the Hemingway.

What’s another name for a ghost writer?
A prose-titute.

What's another name for a ghost writer? A prose-titute.

So a cinematographer, writer, and production designer walk into a bar…
and the director takes all the credit.

Who was the writer who gave his son a hard time?
Charles Dick-in-son.

What’s the best college degree to become a successful fiction writer?

Laugh more: Funny College Jokes

What do you call it when a writer hangs himself off the side of the mountain?
A cliffhanger.

I should write a book about procrastination.
But I’m a terrible writer, so I probably won’t.

I’m a writer.
My pen name is Bic.

What do you call an uncredited writer in urban northwest Pennsylvania?
An Erie ghostwriter.

Laugh more: Funny USA Jokes

What do communism and an essay writer who plays no sport have in common?
They work on paper, but not in practice.

Which writer would you expect to find in a thermometer?
HG Wells.

Which writer would you expect to find in a thermometer? HG Wells.

Did you hear about the famous writer who turned out to be a fraud?
His life had its prose and cons.

“I am a writer!” – “And already sold something?”
“Yes, my house and my car.”

Laugh more: Funny Car Jokes

What do you call a writer who writes naked?
An expositionist.

Why does the mystery story writer insist upon mixing additional crushed stone while laying the foundation?
So the plot thickens.

I electrified the toilet of a clickbait writer.
No. 1 will shock him.

Laugh more: Funny Poop Jokes

Harry Potter’s writer once did an excursion inside a cave.
It was so important that they made a song about it:
Rowling in the deep.

Being a writer is enjoyable…
But the job of an editor is more rewarding.

What do you call a well-slept, well-fed writer?
Content writer.

What do you call a well-slept, well-fed writer? Content writer.

What does the writer suffer from each spring?
A case of allegories.

Laugh more: Funny Weather Jokes

I realize the writer of the Iliad and the Odyssey was better than me every time I enter my house.
I am home, but it was Homer.

Being a writer keeps me in great physical shape.
I’m always running out of ideas.

Why are writers really good at coding?
Because they are really into Pro grammar.

Why was the failed writer unable to use his pencil to make another book?
Because it was pointless.

Laugh more: Funny School Jokes

Writer Jokes One-Liners

Are you experiencing a case of writer’s block? We’ve taken care of you. Take a break and laugh with our writer jokes one-liners.

Why do writers always feel cold?
Because they are surrounded by drafts!

Laugh more: Funny Cold Jokes

Why do some writers have a hard time graphing equations?
Because they spend too much time with the x-position.

Why do some writers have a hard time graphing equations? Because they spend too much time with the x-position.

Common synonyms of unemployed.
Writer, blogger, and activist.

Did you hear about the writer who brought peace to the Middle East?
He had a way with Kurds.

A short poem entitled “The Imagination of a Writer”

What’s a pedophile’s favorite writer?

Who was the famous writer, that died in WWII?
I don’t know Anne Frankly I don’t care.

Laugh more: Funny History Jokes

What do you call a writer who feels like they’ve been born in the wrong body?

Dyslexia didn’t stop Mark Twain is a great writer.
He didn’t even suffer from it.

A BuzzFeed writer walks into a bar…
95% of Americans were shocked to find out what happened next.

Laugh more: Funny Bar Jokes

What did the single writer say to his friend?
Prose before hoes.

What did the single writer say to his friend? Prose before hoes. writing jokes

Puns About Writing Letters

Even while writing letters may seem out of date in this digital world that we live in, it may also be a romantic gesture since, after all, sending letters can make you feel really loved. Have fun with our hilarious puns about writing letters.

What kind of bike do you use to write letters?
A stationary bike.

Laugh more: Funny Cycling Jokes

An actor was writing a letter when he changed from cursive to standard lettering mid-sentence.
He went completely off-script.

I had a friend who got paid by the letter to write a phonics manual.
To make a little extra cash he wrote a rhotic r on the side.

Why was the mummy writing a letter to the poltergeist?
Because it had received a ghost card.

Why did Karl Marx write in all lowercase letters?
Because he hated capitalism.

I write letters on my feet.
They are my footnotes.

I’ve been writing a letter to an Italian.
Why do you ask? He’s my penne pal.

Laugh more: Funny Italian Jokes

I’ve been stuck in lockdown so long that I’ve started writing myself letters.
Dear, me.

Why do communists only write using lower case letters?
Because they hate capitalism.

My therapist told me to write letters to people I hated and then burn them.
I’ve done that, but what do I do with the letter.

My therapist told me to write letters to people I hated and then burn them. I've done that, but what do I do with the letter. writing jokes

Literary Jokes And Puns

Reading literature helps us to see the world from the perspective of others. To see life from the perspective of someone who is older, of a different socioeconomic class, or of a different race than the one being taught. When you get tired of it, remember to relax and take pleasure in our literary jokes and puns.

What do you call an Italian dish that is equal but more equal than other Italian dishes?
Animal parm.

Laugh more: Funny Pasta Jokes

Did you hear about Jay Gatsby’s new car?
It was a real hit with the ladies.

What was Socrates’ favorite thing to mold?
Play dough (Plato).

What makes Civil Disobedience such a great work?
Thoreau editing.

How did Voltaire like his apples?
Candied (Candide).

Laugh more: Funny Apple Jokes

Why did the reader give up on Pride and Prejudice?
The characters were too Austentatious.

What would you find in Charles Dickens’s pantry?
The best of thyme, the worst of thyme.

Laugh more: Funny Pantry Jokes

What kind of dinosaur writes romance novels?
A Brontësaurus.

Laugh more: Funny Dino Jokes

What kind of dinosaur writes romance novels? A Brontësaurus. writing jokes

Funny Editor Jokes

It takes a lot of effort to edit a book. Although it may not take as long as it did to create the novel, book editors put in a lot of effort to ensure that books realise their full potential. So, when you can’t handle it anymore, laugh with our editor jokes.

What does an editor do in Eastern Europe?
They Czech for errors.

What do you call an editor that sleeps with a native American?
Editor in chief.

Laugh more: Funny American Jokes

What’s the difference between an ER doctor and an editor?
One has patients with comas, the other has patience with commas.

She claimed to be a copy editor,
but she had no proof.

What did Nietzsche tell his editor when he finished writing Thus Spoke Zarathustra?
It’s over, man.

What did the erotic novel author get from his editor?
Sticky notes.

What did he get from his publisher?
A hard copy.

I don’t think I’m well-suited for this job as a newspaper editor.
Even my blood is a Type O!

Laugh more: Funny Motivational Quotes To Study Hard

I don't think I'm well-suited for this job as a newspaper editor. Even my blood is a Type O! writing jokes

Funny Letter Jokes

What is the longest word in the English Dictionary?
Smiles because there is a mile between the first letter and the last.

I bet you $12345678901234567890 that you didn’t read that number and you didn’t notice that a put a letter in it, no I didn’t but you went back and looked didn’t you.

What is a pirate’s favorite letter?
You’d think it’d be R, but really his heart will always belong to the C.

What’s the difference between a politician and a flying pig?
The letter F.

What starts with e, ends with e, and only contains one letter?
An envelope.

Did you know?
The letter ‘F’ in orphan stands for family.

Funny Grammar Jokes

The ability to communicate effectively in written form is crucial, particularly in the business world. As a result, it is better to begin teaching kids at a young age, and if they get bored, we have these grammar jokes to entertain them.

What happened when the verb asked the noun to conjugate?
The noun declined.

What happened when the verb asked the noun to conjugate? The noun declined. writing jokes

When I was young there were only 25 letters in the Alphabet?
Nobody knew why.

What do you call Santa’s little helpers?
Subordinate clauses.


Never leave alphabet soup on the stove and then go out.
It could spell disaster.

“Saying ‘I’m sorry’ is the same as saying ‘I apologize’. Except at a funeral.” —Demetri Martin.

What’s the difference between a cat and a comma?
One has claws at the end of its paws, and the other is a pause at the end of a clause.

Why should you never date an apostrophe?
They’re too possessive.

Which dinosaur knows the most words?
A Thesaurus.

Why did Shakespeare only write in ink?
Pencils confused him — 2B or not 2B?

Why did Shakespeare only write in ink? Pencils confused him — 2B or not 2B? writing jokes


There are tons of reasons why you should start writing. One of the benefits of writing is that it can help people improve their communication skills, which will help them gain more confidence and self-esteem. When you write, you can better communicate complex ideas, learn how to persuade people, and learn how to use your voice.

And while working to be the greatest writer, don’t forget to breathe from time to time and relax with our jokes about writing. 

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I am Jimmy, clown at heart. I love silly, funny, nerdy, quirky jokes. So I thought I should start a website about jokes. Why a carrot as a logo? Why not! Here, have a carrot!