
82 Funny Kid Food Jokes and Puns – A Lemon-AID to all your stress

Kids might not be able to eat fruits, veggies, or whatever, but you can share them a good laugh! Who knows? They might like the joke or the food, maybe both! Laugh out loud at the dinner table, while preparing their lunch box, or maybe wherever you are. Have some Lemon-AID with these super kid food jokes!

Here are my best jokes for kids and more hilarious food jokes.

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Is anyone confident in their pronunciation of “Worcestershire sauce“?

Funny Kid Food Puns

Kids love to enjoy food and a little good laugh. Create an extraordinary environment with your kids with all these jokes about food! You can’t go wrong with a food pun! 

Read more: Hilarious Jokes

What do you call a fake noodle?

An impasta.

What do you call a fake noodle An impasta

What did the hamburger name its baby?


If there is any problem, please lettuce know.

When potatoes have babies, what are they called?

Tater tots.

What did the mayonnaise say to the refrigerator?

Close the door, I’m dressing!

What did the mayonnaise say to the refrigerator Close the door, I’m dressing

How do you ask a foodie out to dinner?

“Lettuce meat for a date.”

What do you call a pea who woke up on the wrong side of the bed?


Why shouldn’t you tell secrets in a cornfield?

There are too many ears.

How do you fix a broken tomato?

Tomato paste

Laugh more: Funny Tomato Jokes

How do you fix a broken tomato Tomato paste

What do you call a potato with glasses?

A Spec-tator

Why did the banana go to the doctor?

I wasn’t peeling well.

How do you measure the weight of crackers?

In grahams.

What do you call cheese that is not ours?

Nacho cheese.

Laugh more: Funniest Cheese Jokes

What do you call cheese that is not ours Nacho cheese.

Why was the Thanksgiving soup so expensive?

It had 24 carrots.

What did the pumpkin say after Thanksgiving dinner?

Good-pie everyone!

Laugh more here: Funny Pumpkin Jokes

Why was the cookie crying?

Because his mom was a wafer so long.

Knock knock! Who’s there? Lettuce! Lettuce who?

Lettuce in and you’ll find out!

Little Kid Food Jokes

Kids have the best jokes, so why not use them as inspiration for your next family dinner? These little jokes are sure to provide your family with some laughs as they eat their food.

Laugh more: Funny Popcorn Jokes

Wanna hear a joke about pizza?

Never mind, it’s too cheesy.

Why did the skeleton go to the barbecue?

To get another rib.

I trained my dog not to beg at the table. “How did you do that?”

I let him taste my cooking.

Laugh more here: Crazy Train Puns

Did you hear the joke about peanut butter?

I’m not telling you. You might spread it!

Did you hear the joke about peanut butter I’m not telling you. You might spread it!

What did the frog order for lunch?

A burger and a diet croak.

How does a cucumber become like a pickle?

It goes through a jarring experience.

Why did the pig stop sunbathing?

He was bacon in the sun.

What do you call a bear with no teeth?

A gummy bear.

What do you call a bear with no teeth A gummy bear

Why were the apple and orange alone?

Because the banana split!

What kind of murderer has fiber?

A cereal killer.

What do ghosts eat for dinner?


What do ghosts eat for dinner SPOOKgetti!

What do you call a pea who woke up on the wrong side of the bed?


Funny Food Jokes One-Liners

The funniest food jokes are those that are short and something that makes sense! Just burn 2,000 calories and that will be the last time you leave brownies in the oven while you nap.

How fast is milk?

It’s pasteurized before you know it.

Why couldn’t the sesame seed leave the gambling casino?

Because he was on a roll.

Why couldn’t the sesame seed leave the gambling casino Because he was on a roll.

What does a nosey pepper do?

Gets jalapeño business.

Which friends should you take to dinner?

Your taste buds.

What’s orange and sounds like a parrot?

A carrot.

What did the pecan say to the walnut?

We’re friends because we’re both nuts.

Why couldn’t the hamburger stop making jokes?

He was on a roll!

What’s brown, hairy and wears sunglasses?

A coconut on vacation!

Why did the butcher work extra hours at the shop?

To make ends meat.

Why did the butcher work extra hours at the shop To make ends meat.

Boy, I just got hit in the head with a soda.

I was lucky it was a soft drink.

What do you get when you put three ducks in a box?

A box of quackers!

Why are butchers so hilarious?

They always ham it up.

What did the jelly say to the peanut butter?

“We make a good match!”

What should you do if your soup is too hot?

Add a chilly pepper.

What do you call a pig that gets fired from his job?

Canned ham!

What did the lettuce say to the celery?

Quit stalking me!

What did the lettuce say to the celery Quit stalking me!

Favorite Food Jokes for Kids

If you’re kid is not eating the food he or she needs to get enough daily nutrients and you tried everything you can but didn’t work, maybe giving them some food jokes will do. Try some!

Where did the broccoli go to have a few drinks?

The salad bar.

What did the pizza say to the chef say to his significant other?

This might sound cheesy, but you’ve got a pizza my heart

What’s an omnivore’s favorite food?


What did the Malteeser want to be when it grew up?

A Smartie.

What’s the most relaxing type of pasta?


Laugh more: Funny Pasta Jokes

What’s the most relaxing type of pasta Spa-ghetti

Why do melons prefer weddings?

They are cantaloupe!

Love us or hate us. You’ve got to love us:


What is white, has a horn, and gives milk?

A dairy truck?

Why was the cookie crying?

Because his mom was a wafer so long.

Why was the cookie crying because his mom was a wafer so long.

Why does yogurt love going to museums?

Because it’s cultured.

How do you truly savor a hotdog?

With relish.

Why don’t eggs tell jokes?

They’d crack each other up!

Why did the bacon laugh?

Because the egg cracked a yoke.

What happened to the slices of bread that disappeared overnight?

Turned out the e-loafed!

What do skeletons like to order at a restaurant?

Spare ribs.

Why do mushrooms get invited to all the parties?

Because they are such fungis.

Food Jokes for Kids: Fruits Edition

Does your kid still refusing to eat fruits? Oh no, that’s pretty bad. Try some of these food jokes, this can work!

What did one blueberry say to the other blueberry?

If you weren’t so sweet, we wouldn’t be in this jam.

What did one blueberry say to the other blueberry if you weren’t so sweet, we wouldn’t be in this jam.

Why were the apple and orange alone?

Because the banana split!

What do you call blueberries playing the guitar?

A jam session.

Laugh more here: Funny Guitar Jokes

When do you go to red and stop at green?

When you’re eating a watermelon.

What do you give to a sick lemon?


What is the twins’ favorite fruit?


What did the grape say when he was squished?

He let out a little wine.

Laugh more: Funny Wine Jokes

Why was the baby strawberry worried?

Because he thought his mom was in a jar?

There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the White House there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it?

A watermelon!

Why do people by aggressive fruit?

So they can make fruit punch!

Why do people by aggressive fruit so they can make fruit punch!

Why did the banana factory shut down?

Because they chucked out all the bent ones!

Why did the tomato blush?

Because it saw the salad dressing.

Food Jokes for Kids: School Edition

There is more way to enjoy school than just having friends, it is also laughing together with them with food jokes while they eat at canteen! Maybe one of these will make them have more fun!

What did the hungry computer eat?

Chips, one BYTE at a time.

Why do fish avoid the computer?

So they don’t get caught on the Internet.

Why do fish avoid the computer so they don't get caught on the Internet.

When is eating just like school?

When you have three or four courses.

Why did the student eat her exam?

The teacher told her it was a piece of cake!

Laugh more here: Hilarious Exam Jokes for Students and Teachers

What did the papa tomato say to the baby tomato?
“Hurry and ketchup!”

In which school do you learn how to make ice cream?

Sunday School

Laugh more: Funny Ice Puns

What do french fries do when they meet after a long time?

They ketchup

What do french fries do when they meet after a long time they ketchup

Why are school cafeteria workers cruel?

Because they batter fish, beat eggs, and whip cream.

What school subject is the fruitiest?

History because it is full of dates!

Summary about Kid Jokes about Food

Start your day off right and make eating food more fun with these hilarious puns and jokes for your kids! We have gathered all these jokes that will guarantee smiles and laughs everywhere.

Avoid being so Grum-pea! Have some Lemon-AID! Smile!

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I am Julia, I love to laugh and I love to make people laugh.