FUNNY Cat Puns That Are Purr-fect For Cat Lovers!

60 FUNNY Cat Puns That Are Purr-fect For Cat Lovers!

Are you a cat lover? Cats bring so much joy to people because they make great pets. Compared to dogs, cats are very independent, low maintenance, and of course cost less. It is no doubt that they can lower stress and anxiety and so are our puns. Turn your bad day into a good one with our best cat puns.

We also have compiled Cat Jokes for you to enjoy. 

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Funny Cat Puns Jokes

Cat lovers, get ready with our puns about cats. These funny and cute cat puns will make your day! Relax and have a great vibe with our amusing puns. 

What’s a cat’s favorite button on the TV remote?

What’s a cat’s favorite button on the TV remote

What do you call a cat who loves to bowl?
An alley cat!

What is a well-read cat’s favorite book?
The Great Catsby!

How do cats make peace after a fight?
They hiss and make up.

Why did the cat eat the lemons?
He was a sourpuss!

How is cat food sold?
Usually, purr the can!

What did the cat say when he passed another cat?
Pawden me, I’ve got to get by.

What did the cat say when he heard a pun?
That was hissterical!

How is your cat today?
She’s feline fine!

In what kind of weather is a vet the busiest?
When it’s raining cats and dogs!

In what kind of weather is a vet the busiest

What do you call a cat wearing shoes?
A puss in boots!

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If lights run on electricity and cars run on gas, what do cats run on?
Their paws.

What type of cat works for the Red Cross?
A first aid cat!

Why do cats make terrible storytellers?
They only have one tail.

Why do cats always win video games?
Because they have nine lives!

Laugh more: Funny Video Game Jokes

What’s a cat’s favorite game to play with a mouse?

What did the cat say when it was confused?
“I’m purr-plexed!”

There were four cats on a windowsill and one jumped into the yard. How many were left?
None, they were all a bunch of copycats!

Did you hear about the cat who drank five bowls of water?
He set a new lap record.

Did you hear about the cat who drank five bowls of water

What word do millennial cats overuse?

What do you call it when a cat wins first place at a dog show?
A cat-has-trophy!

What do cats wear to sleep?

Why was the cat sitting on the computer?
To keep an eye on the mouse!

Read more: Nerdy Jokes

What should you use to comb a cat?
A catacomb!

What’s a cat’s favorite magazine?
Good Mousekeeping!

Why did the cat get pulled over by the police?
Because it littered.

How do you know a cat is agitated?
He’s having a hissy fit!

What do cats like to eat on a hot day?
A mice-cream cone!

Laugh more: Funny Kid Food Jokes and Puns

What do cats like to eat on a hot day

Why did the cat wear a fancy dress?
She was feline fine!

What did the cat say when he proposed to his girlfriend?
Let’s spend furrever together!

What’s a cat’s most important trait?
Its purrsonality!

How would you describe most puns?
Seriously clawful.

What did that cat say when she didn’t want to commit to a date?
It’s a pawsibility that I’ll go.

What’s a cat’s favorite thing to draw?
A self pawtrait!

What do cats love to do in the morning?
Read the mewspaper!

Why was the cat afraid of the tree?
Because of its bark!

What did the cat say when her friend wouldn’t believe her?
Listen, I’m fur real!

What did the cat say when her friend wouldn’t believe her

Funny Police Cat Puns

It is interesting how people can relate police and cat. So, if you are curious about how they do it, have a look at our compilation. Share this list of police meow puns and laugh hard with your friends!

The police came to arrest me after I tried to play my cat like a violin
They are charging me with Kitty Fiddling.

Why are police dogs called K9?
Because if they were police cats, they would be K10.

Someone broke into my house…
Played my trumpet and left paw prints all over the place…The police say it was probably a cat bugler!!

Why did the cat get pulled over by the police?
Because it littered.

What are cat police officers called?
Claw enforcement.

What do you call a cat that gets caught by the police?
The purrpatrator!

What do you call a cat that gets caught by the police

A-meowsing Kitten Puns

Of course, we have the best kitty puns. Kittens are the cutest, right? Their eyes are so big and adorable but they require a lot of attention to prevent them from getting into trouble. So, if you feel like losing it, have a look at our kitten puns. 

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Are you ready to read a bunch of amazing cat puns?
You better be, because we’re not kitten around here!

What did the adult cat say to the kitten?
You’re infurior to me.

What does a cat have that no other animal has?

What do you call a pile of kittens?
A meowntain!

What do you call a pile of kittens

Funny Cat Sayings with Meow

Here’s another compilation for you; our cat funny sayings. Got an adorable photo of your cat that needs a caption? We can help you with that. Our funny cat phrases and sayings are perfect captions to your posts. 

My cat wants to start a career in Claw Enforcement.

Madame Mewurie pioneered the science of radio-cativity.

My cat loves to listen to any music composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mewzart.

The Ninja Mewtant Turtles are pawsome.

You have to overlook that kitten, she’s a mewbie.

My cat saw a UFO and reported it to MEWFON.

My cat saw a UFO and reported it to MEWFON

My cat locked meowt of the house again!

Your cat tries to a-mews me.

I wasn’t happy when my cat took meowt in a snowstorm.

I always wish my kitty a Happy Mew Year!

Related: Funny Holiday Jokes for a good Laugh (Thanksgiving, Christmas, 4th of July)

It was Isaac Mewton who first explained the fur ball.

If your cat is finicky about her toys, try letting her shop the pet store cat-alog.

My cat is always whining that he’s too paw to afford a date.

My cat is always whining that he's too paw to afford a date

Extra: Cute Cat Pun Names

Trying to think of some cat names for your cat’s little kittens? We have some ideas for you! Take a look at our cat pun names. 

  1. Don Kitty-ote
  2. Dwight D. Eisenpurr
  3. Fidel Catstro
  4. Genghis Khat
  5. Giacomeow Catsanova
  6. Hairy Houdini
  7. Juan Pounce de Lion
  8. Abraham Lynxing
  9. Aslan Furrying
  10. Bruce Flea
  11. Catpernipuss
  12. Chairman Meow Zedong
  13. Charles Kittens
  14. Cleocatra
  15. William Shakespurr


Feline great already? We hope you enjoyed the cat puns that we have for you! These puns are easy to tell and remember so you can use them as ice breakers for new friends.

We know that having pets are not always easy so we have put together these puns to help you have fun!

Looking for more? We have more in store for you!

Want to have more fun? 🤣

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I am Jimmy, clown at heart. I love silly, funny, nerdy, quirky jokes. So I thought I should start a website about jokes. Why a carrot as a logo? Why not! Here, have a carrot!