Teenager jokes are awfully funny and sometimes, downright corny too! You can’t really help but roll your eyes at some of them. That’s a common thought but the truth is, it’s quite difficult to get a laugh from teenagers. They’ve got all the angst and your corny jokes will not get through their shields! You need more than just your average knock-knock jokes! They are way past that. Good teenager jokes that acknowledge their wit and maturity make a difference. They like it when you address their intelligence! You can also try clean jokes to make them laugh. We have here some of the funniest teenager jokes that we have scoured the internet for your benefit.
So, what are you waiting for?
List down these teenager jokes and pull them out for the next family dinner. Compete with their phone and get their attention by throwing out these hilarious teenager jokes. You can also use them for the next carpool sessions. Instead of them playing with their phones, watching Netflix and chill, listening to the loud songs and indie emo ones, throw them some joke and hear them roar out in laughter. Check out all our teenager jokes and bring them to your next family get-together.