Lionel Messi is undoubtedly one of the greatest footballers of all time, with his incredible skills and outstanding achievements. But beyond his remarkable talent, there is also a lighter side to the Argentinian superstar that has captured people’s hearts worldwide – his sense of humor.

Messi may come across as a serious and focused athlete on the field, but he has a playful side that often shines through in interviews and social media posts. From poking fun at himself to teasing his teammates, Messi is known to be a joker who loves to make people laugh.

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The internet is full of funny memes and jokes about Messi that have gone viral, showcasing his humorous side in a light-hearted and entertaining way. Some of these jokes play on his height (or lack thereof), while others poke fun at his impressive goal-scoring record.

Whether you’re a die-hard Messi fan or just someone who appreciates a good laugh, there’s no denying that these jokes have become a beloved part of football culture. So sit back, relax, and get ready to chuckle as we dive into the world of funny Messi jokes – guaranteed to put a smile on your face!

Laugh more: HILARIOUS Sports Jokes

Best Short Messi Jokes 

Are you looking for a good laugh? Check out these hilarious and entertaining short Messi jokes that will make you smile! Messi’s playful and humorous side has endeared him to fans worldwide, and these jokes are a great example of his lighthearted personality. From his height to his goal-scoring record, these jokes cover various topics and are perfect for anyone who loves football and a good laugh. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the best short Messi jokes!

Read more here: BEST Lionel Leo Messi Quotes 

I always thought the hole in boxer briefs was a messy idea… until I learned it goes in the front.

Why is Bon Jovi’s bed always messy?
Because he doesn’t think it matters if you make it or not.

My friend has a weird quirk: he gets explosive diarrhea and just can’t contain himself when he sees a certain soccer player… And boy, it’s Messi.

When Lionel Messi dies, he should have his Argentinian teammates bury him so they can let him down one last time.

Messy drinker: A skeleton walks into a bar. The bartender says, “What’ll you have?” The skeleton says, “Gimme a beer and a mop.”

We hoped for a good, clean World Cup Final. But instead, we got a Messi one. Congrats to Argentina.

We hoped for a good, clean World Cup Final. But instead, we got a Messi one. Congrats to Argentina.

Sitting on the toilet this morning, I was reminded of my recent divorce. At first, I thought I thought I was in for a clean break, but then it got messy and there was lots of paperwork.

My friend and I were having a heated argument about the angle of a triangle. Things got messy and we went off tangent.

As I sat on the toilet this morning, I was reminded of my first divorce. At first, I thought it had been a clean break, but then it got messy and there was lots of paperwork.

When I was a teenager, my mom always said that your bedroom is so messy that you will never get any self-respecting girl to come back here. Luckily they weren’t the ones I was going after.

Funny Messi and Rolando Jokes

If you’re a football fan and enjoy a good laugh, you’re in for a treat! We’ve compiled a collection of the funniest jokes about two of the greatest footballers of all time – Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. These jokes, from their on-field rivalries to their quirks, will make you laugh out loud. So get ready to chuckle and enjoy some rib-tickling Messi and Ronaldo jokes!

Laugh more: HILARIOUS Soccer Puns

Why did Lionel Messi bring a ladder to the football game?
Because he heard Ronaldo was always reaching for new heights!

What did Messi say to Ronaldo after a tough match?
“Don’t worry, Cristiano, it’s just a Messi situation.”

What did Messi say to Ronaldo after a tough match Don't worry, Cristiano, it's just a Messi situation.

Why did Ronaldo start a bakery?
Because he wanted to make the best rolls in the box!

How does Messi like his coffee?
With a little sugar and a Ronaldo on the side!

Why did Ronaldo go to the bank?
To check his balance, of course!

What did Messi say when he found out Ronaldo can speak multiple languages?
“Well, I guess scoring goals isn’t the only thing you’re fluent in!”

Why did Messi bring a pencil to the game?
In case he needed to draw more attention than Ronaldo!

What did Ronaldo say when someone asked him about Messi’s new haircut?
“I guess he’s trying to cut it closer to my style!”

What did Ronaldo say when someone asked him about Messi's new haircut I guess he's trying to cut it closer to my style!

Why did Messi refuse to play hide and seek with Ronaldo?
Because no matter where he hides, Ronaldo always finds the goal!

How does Ronaldo stay cool during a match?
He stands next to Messi – he’s always in the shade!

Why did Messi bring a map to the football field?
He heard Ronaldo was lost without him!

What’s Ronaldo’s favorite type of music?
Penalty kicks!

Why did Messi take a nap during the game?
He wanted to dream about scoring more goals than Ronaldo!

How did Ronaldo respond when asked about Messi’s dance moves?
“I guess he’s trying to outstep me on the dance floor too!”

How did Ronaldo respond when asked about Messi's dance moves I guess he's trying to outstep me on the dance floor too!

Why did Messi bring a backpack to the match?
In case he needed to carry the team more than Ronaldo!

kWhat’s the secret to Ronaldo’s great fashion sense?
He always follows Messi’s lead on and off the pitch!

Why did Messi start a gardening club?
Because he heard Ronaldo was good at planting balls in the net!

How does Ronaldo take his tea?
With Messi, of course – they make the perfect blend!

What did Messi say to Ronaldo about his cooking skills?
“I guess you’re not the only one who can dish it out on the field!”

Why did Ronaldo open a pet store?
He wanted to prove he could handle Messi’s little dribblers!

Why did Ronaldo open a pet store He wanted to prove he could handle Messi's little dribblers!

What did Messi say when asked about Ronaldo’s singing talent?
“I guess he’s trying to hit the high notes just like my goal-scoring record!”

Why did Ronaldo bring a camera to the game?
To capture every moment, Messi wasn’t scoring!

What did Messi say when someone asked if he could do a Ronaldo impression?
“Sure, I just need a hairdryer and a mirror!”

Why did Ronaldo join a comedy club?
He wanted to prove he could score laughs as well as goals!

What did Messi say when he saw Ronaldo juggling oranges at the market?
“Nice try, but you’ll never juggle as many trophies as I have!”

The Humorous Side of Messi

Lionel Messi is undoubtedly one of the greatest footballers of all time, but did you know he’s also quite the comedian? Yes, you heard it right! Behind his severe and focused demeanor on the field lies a humorous side that will surely tickle your funny bone. Messi’s antics, from his unique hairstyle to his funny reactions, have generated laughter from fans worldwide. So why take a break from the severe side of football and explore this legendary player’s hilarious and entertaining side? Get ready for some Messi-induced laughter!

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Why did Messi go to the bank?
To deposit his goals.

Why did Messi go to the bank To deposit his goals.

Why did Messi bring a ruler to the game?
He wanted to measure his success.

Why does Messi make a terrible waiter?
Because he’s always dribbling!

Why did Messi bring string to the game?
Because he wanted to tie the score!

What’s Messi’s favorite type of sandwich?
A slide tackle sandwich!

Why did Messi go to the circus?
Because he loves juggling!

Why did Messi go to the bakery?
Because he’s a pro at rolling the dough.

Why did Messi go to the bakery Because he's a pro at rolling the dough.

Why did Messi take up baking?
Because he’s great at whipping up crosses!

Why did Messi bring a map to the game?
He likes to pinpoint his goals.

What does Messi have in common with a magician?
They both do hat tricks.

Why did Messi go to the car dealership?
He heard they had good deals on “vans” (vans = advances).

Why can’t Messi play hide and seek?
Because good luck hiding when you’re always in the spotlight!

Why did Messi go to the casino?
Because he’s good at hitting the net!

Why did Messi go to the casino Because he's good at hitting the net!

Why does Messi make a great detective?
Because he always gets his man-marked.

Why did Messi go to the school?
He heard they were teaching a class on “headers”.

Why does Messi never get locked out of his house?
Because he always has a key-pass.

Why can’t Messi be a gardener?
Because he can’t handle the corners!

Why is Messi bad at hide and coal?
Because wherever he goes, he draws a crowd.

Why did Messi go to art school?
Because he’s good at drawing fouls.

Why did Messi go to art school Because he's good at drawing fouls.

Why did Messi go to the library?
Because he likes to read the game.

Why did Messi bring a ladder to the game?
To get the high balls!

Why does Messi prefer geometry?
Because it’s all about the right angles.

Why did Messi go to the internet?
He’s too busy scoring IRL.

Why did Messi go to the car dealership?
He heard they had good deals on “vans” (vans = advances).

Why doesn’t Messi play chess?
Because he never wants to be in a stalemate.

Why doesn't Messi play chess Because he never wants to be in a stalemate.


As we end this blog post, it’s clear that Messi jokes have been a source of entertainment and humor for many people. While they may not be everyone’s cup of tea, it’s important to remember that humor is subjective, and what one person finds funny may not be the same for another.

That being said, it’s always important to be mindful of our words’ impact on others. While jokes can bring people together and lighten the mood, they can also perpetuate harmful stereotypes and reinforce negative attitudes toward certain groups.

Ultimately, it’s up to each individual to decide what they find funny and what they don’t. But we can all agree on the importance of being respectful and kind towards others, regardless of our differences.

What are your thoughts on Messi jokes? Do you find them funny?  We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below.  And if you enjoyed this post, be sure to share it with your friends and family!

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I am Julia, I love to laugh and I love to make people laugh.