funny monkey jokes

100 Ape-solutely Hilarious Monkey Jokes

We don’t have the foggiest idea what it is, however, something doesn’t add up about monkeys.

From their nervy countenances, the entertaining commotions they make, or there for the most part naughty ways, there’s a lot to chuckle at. It’s no big surprise we’ve tracked down vast kids about monkeys to keep you engaged.

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Obviously, there’s something else to these astounding creatures besides their diversion esteem. There’s lots of fascinating stuff worth finding out about primates. Did you be aware, for instance, that there are more than 260 unique types of monkeys? Or on the other hand that each sort of monkey can be isolated into two classes: the New World Monkeys and the Old World Monkeys? New World Monkeys live in South America and have solid tails that they use to clutch things. Old World monkeys live in Asia and Africa and you can perceive them separated by their noses, which face downwards.

Laugh more here: Funny Animal Jokes

Funny Monkey Jokes and Puns

Searching for a couple of exemplary gags? These interesting monkey jokes are an extraordinary spot to begin.

Laugh more here: Friendly, Wild, and Quiet Animal Jokes

What do you call a man who can jump from tree to tree?
A monkey’s uncle.

What do you call a monkey with a wand and a broomstick?
Hairy Potter

What do you call a monkey with a wand and a broomstick Hairy Potter

What happens when monkeys get fleas?

What is a monkey’s favorite Christmas song?
Jungle Bells.

Who is the Chimp’s favorite President of recent years?
Hairy Truman

What do you call a Chimpanzee that works in a bar?
A Monkey Wench

What do you call a restaurant that throws food in your face?
A Monkey Business.

What do you call a restaurant that throws food in your face A Monkey Business.

Why did the monkey cross the road?
Because the chicken had the day off.

What kind of monkey sounds like a sheep?
A baaa-boon.

Which side of a monkey has more hair?
The outside.

What happens when you double-cross a monkey?
They go bananas.

What do you call an angry monkey that loves fruit?

What is a monkey’s favorite dance move?
The banana split.

What is a monkey’s favorite dance move The banana split.

Why did the monkey take its banana to the doctors?
It wasn’t peeling well.

What’s furry and dangerous and lives in a tree?
A monkey with a machine gun.

What do you call a monkey in a minefield?

What’s a monkey’s favorite game?

What kind of monkey will liven up a party?
A funk-key.

Laugh more: Funny Party Jokes

What kind of monkey will liven up a party A funk-key.

What’s a monkey’s favorite kind of computer?
An Ape-le mac.

How do monkeys get down the stairs?
They slide down the banana-ster.

What d’you call a monkey with a banana in each ear?
Anything you like, it won’t be able to hear you!

What do you call an angry monkey?
Furious George.

What do monkeys wear when they are cooking?

Why did the monkey like the banana?
It was ap-peal-ing.

Why did the monkey like the banana It was ap-peal-ing.

What’s a monkey’s favorite teacher at Hogwarts?
Professor Sn-ape.

What do monkeys do at work?
Monkey business.

What kind of key unlocks a banana?
A mon-key.

Where do baby monkeys sleep?
In ape-ri-cots.

Laugh more here: Funny Sleep Jokes

What do monkeys get when they sunbathe?
An orangu-tan.

What do you call a monkey that’s in charge of its tree?
A Branch Manager!

What do you call a monkey that's in charge of its tree A Branch Manager!

Two monkeys run a bath. One says, “ooh ooh ooh ah ah ah!”. The other says, “put some cold in it!”

Why do monkeys carry their babies on their backs?
Because it’s too hard dragging a buggy up those trees.

Why did King Kong climb the Empire State building?
Because he couldn’t fit in the lift.

Where do monkeys go for a drink?
The monkey bars!

What do you call monkeys that share an amazon account?
Prime mates.

What do you call a monkey at the south pole?

If there were no bananas, what fruit would monkeys choose?

What do you call a crowd of monkeys?
An Orangatangle.

What do you call a crowd of monkeys An Orangatangle.

Where should a monkey go if she loses her tail?
To a re-tail-er.

What do you call poorly monkeys?

Why did the monkey put a net over its head?
It wanted to catch its breath.

Today I learned that humans eat more bananas than monkeys.
I can’t remember the last time I ate a monkey!

What do you call a monkey flying in the sky?
A hot air baboon!

Where do monkeys get their gossip?
On the ape vine.

Why don’t monkeys play cards on the savannah?
Too many cheetahs around!

Why don't monkeys play cards on the savannah Too many cheetahs around!

Chimpanzee Jokes

Do you track down each sort of monkey interesting? Look at these kids about chimpanzees.

Laugh more here: Cuddly Bear Jokes

Why did the chimpanzee cross the road?
Because he had to take care of some monkey business.

What’s a monkey’s favorite drink?

What should you bring to a party in the jungle?
Chimps and dip!

What do you call a monkey who wins every sport?
A chimpion.

What do monkeys do for laughs?
They tell jokes about people.

What do monkeys do for laughs They tell jokes about people.

What do you tell a naughty monkey?
Stop chimping about.

What does a woodcutter say before he chops down a tree in the rainforest?
Let the chimps fall where they may.

What did the banana say to the chimp?
Nothing. Bananas can’t talk.

What do you call a baby monkey that takes after its mum?
A Chimp off the old block.

What’s a chimp’s favorite baked good?
Banana bread.

What are monkeys’ favorite biscuits?
Chocolate chip cookies.

Laugh more here: Funny Cookie Jokes

What are monkeys' favorite biscuits Chocolate chip cookies.

What kind of underwear do monkeys wear?

How do you get an escaped lion back into its habitat?
You use a bargaining chimp.

Where do chimpanzees keep their babies?
In apricots!

Did you hear about the awful jungie party?
Somebody forgot to bring the chimps and dip

What does a logger say before he cuts down a tree?
Let the chimps fall where they may

What did the Orangutan say to the chimp?
Ginger’s the new black!

What is sweet-smelling, but cheeky?
A chimpansy!!

What is sweet-smelling, but cheeky A chimpansy!!

Why did the Chimpanzee fail English?
He had a little Ape-titude!

What is a Chimp’s favorite Christmas carol?
Jungle Bells

Gorilla Jokes

Are gorillas your number one sort of monkey? Attempt these on for size.

Laugh more here: Best Hunting Jokes

Which drink makes a Gorilla feel tipsy?
An ape-ricot sour!

Which technique does a Gorilla borrow from another animal when it gets romantic?
The bear hug!

Why couldn’t the Gorilla pitcher make it into the major leagues?
His balk was worse than his bite!

Why couldn't the Gorilla pitcher make it into the major leagues His balk was worse than his bite!

Why did both Germany and the U.S. want to hire Apes during World War Two?
Because in the last analysis she just couldn’t see it!

Why did the Gorilla fail English?
He had little Ape-titude!

Why did the advertising company hire a bunch of primates?
For a gorilla marketing campaign

When did the Gorillas start to picket the cookie factory?
The day they started to manufacture animal crackers!

Which author do the Gorillas love most?
Joh Steinbeck – who wrote ‘The Apes of Wrath!’

What does a Gorilla learn first in school?
The Apey-cees!

What does a Gorilla learn first in school The Apey-cees!

What gives the gorilla good taste?
Four years in an Ivy League School

What happens if you cross a parrot with a Gorilla?
Nobody is sure, but if it opened its mouth to speak, you’d listen!

What do they feed a gorilla when he goes to Paris?
Ape Suzettes!

What do you feed a 600-pound Gorilla?
Anything it wants!

What does a Gorilla attorney study?
The Law of the jungle!

What do you get if you cross a gorilla and a prisoner?
A Kong-vict!

What do you get if you cross a gorilla and a prisoner A Kong-vict!

How did the Gertie Gorilla win the beauty contest?
She was the beast of the show!

How do you prepare a Gorilla sundae?
You start getting it ready Fridae and Saturdae!

What did George Washington have to do with Gorillas?
As little as possible, dummy!

What should you do if you find a gorilla sitting at your school desk?
Sit somewhere else!

What’s the best time of year to see gorillas in the wild?

What do you call a gorilla that weighs 150kg?

How did the gorilla know she was poorly?
She had a belly ape.

Why did the Gorilla fail its exam?
He didn’t have the ape-titude.

What did the banana do when it saw a gorilla?
The banana split.

Why shouldn’t you get into a fight with a monkey?
They use gorilla warfare.

Why do gorillas have big nostrils?
Because they have big fingers!

Why do gorillas have big nostrils Because they have big fingers!

What’s the first thing a gorilla learns in school?
The ape b c’s.

Why did the gorilla cross the road?
He had to take care of some monkey business.

What’s black and dangerous and lives in a tree?
A gorilla with a machine gun

Which book makes prudish Gorillas blush?
The Naked Ape!

Which city holds the record for the most suicides committed by a Gorilla jumping off a tall building?

What’s black, brown and white, black, brown and white, brown and white, etc.?
A Gorilla riding down a snowbank!

What do you need for a wedding in the jungle?
A flower gorilla and a ring bar

What do you need for a wedding in the jungle A flower gorilla and a ring bar

Why do gorillas have big nostrils?
Because they have big fingers

What’s black, hairy, and written underwater?
A ball-point gorilla!


Do you have a kid who totally cherishes monkeys? It’s justifiable! Monkeys are direct relations to people, and they are extremely insightful creatures, making it simple for youngsters to connect with them.

When in doubt, kids love watching monkeys play, eat, swing through the branches, and care for their young. At the point when a kid is truly keen on a subject, you can assist and support them to their greatest advantage by offering fun realities to them. Now that you have some good times reality fix, we can continue on toward the senseless stuff. What’s your number one monkey joke?

Take a look at some jokes available below!

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I am Julia, I love to laugh and I love to make people laugh.