Popcorn Jokes

129 BEST Popcorn Jokes That Are Totally A-maize-ing!

Popcorn is the superhero food of all time. They’re adored by everybody.  Popcorn is popular for a number of reasons, among them is for being nutritious and delicious. These popcorn jokes are among the most widely circulated of all food jokes.

Popcorn is a snack that may be enjoyed at any time of day or night. There are many ways to enjoy popcorn, from a movie night snack to a late-night nibble, and even when you simply need something to occupy your mind for a few minutes. To be honest, we don’t even need an excuse to eat some popcorn. 

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Grab a bowl of popcorn and settle down for a few laughs with this collection.

Funny Popcorn Jokes

Who wouldn’t want to read a popcorn joke that reminds them of how good it tastes? We guarantee that even the corniest joke on our list will make you chuckle, if not also think. Prepare to laugh at some inane witticisms, then pop some corn.

Why do balloons hate kernels?
Because they might pop.

Why do balloons hate kernels? Because they might pop.

Why did the kernel turn into a popcorn one fine day?
Because it was a hot day.

Laugh more: Funny Summer Jokes

What happened to the corn that went to join the force?
He became a Kernel.

Who ordered the corn to pop?
The Kernel.

What do kernels do in their free time?
Hip pop dance.

Why could the kernel not pop?
She was cornfused.

What did a kernel say to another kernel to express his love?
“You pop me up like no other”.

Why would a miser tape a bunch of kernels to his ceiling?
Because he could not afford fire alarms.

Laugh more: Funny Fire Jokes

What happened when I accidentally stepped on a kernel?
I became a cereal killer.

What did the kernel’s friend ask the kernel?
“What’s popping?”

What did the kernel's friend ask the kernel? What's popping?

What do kernels do to lose weight?
They become popcorn.

Why did one of the five kernels not pop?
He was wearing sunscreen.

Why are popcorns considered close to the military?
Because he always bosses around.

What kind of music do kernels listen to?
Pop music.

Laugh more: Funny Music Jokes

What did the kernel say to his girlfriend after movies?
“I hope you are having a grain time.”

Why did everyone believe the corn’s story?
Because there was a kernel of truth to it.

What is a kernel’s favorite type of candy?
A lolli-pop.

What did everyone say to the kernel when he finally popped?

What happened when the kernel decided to change its career path?
He was in a different field.

What happened when the kernel decided to change its career path? He was in a different field.

What happened to the very angry kernel?
He became a popcorn.

What kind of pizza toppings do corn get?

Laugh more: Funny Pizza Jokes

What kind of corn do dogs like?

What should you use to make spicy popcorn?

Why did popcorn’s friend not laugh at his joke?
Because it was corny.

How did the popcorn husband praise his wife?
He said, “You are a-maize-ing.”

Why do my corn people like popcorn more than movies?
Because popcorns are way butter.

What should be the name of a band for corn?

What customs do popcorn society follow?
Pop culture.

What customs do popcorn society follow? Pop culture.

Who is popcorn’s distant relative?

Laugh more: Funny Dog Jokes

Why was the popcorn so happy?
Because she just won the corntest.

Why was the popcorn picking up a fight with everyone?
Because he was salty.

What would a gymnast popcorn be famous for?
Probably for its sommer-salt.

How much do pirates charge for corn on the cob?
A buck-an-ear.

Laugh more: Funny Pirate Jokes

What did the popcorn say to the jack in the box?
POP goes the weasel.

What do you call a “corny” metal band?

Why didn’t the kernel leave the popper?
He was cornfused.

Why is popcorn way better than a movie?
Because they are just so much butter.

Why is popcorn way better than a movie

Why shouldn’t you tell a secret on a farm?
Because the corn has ears!

Who orders everyone in the popcorn place around?
The kernel.

What did one ear of corn say to the other traveling down the highway?
Looks like we had a tire pop out.

How much do pirates charge for corn on the cob?
A buck-an-ear.

Why was the corn beaten up by the neighbors?
Because he was stalking.

Why could the corn not go to school?
Because he was in the can.

What do you call buying a huge amount of corn at once?
Stalk investment.

Laugh more: Funny Finance Jokes

How much does pirate corn cost?
A bucc-an-ear.

What kind of corn likes to eat meat?
The corn-ivouros ones.

What kind of corn likes to eat meat? The corn-ivouros ones.

What do corns play with during their free time?

What happened when I swallowed an entire corn cob?
I was corn-stipated for days.

Why do other veggies not like corn?
Because he always cracks a corny joke.

How was the baby corn I met yesterday?
It was sweet.

How does a corn generally smile when they hear a corny joke?
From one ear to the next.

How does a popcorn taste past its expiry date?
It Shucks.

What did mama corn say to the baby corn?
“Stop popping around with your friends all day”.

What movie does popcorn watch on repeat?
In-the-pan-dance Day.

What kind of dance move do popcorns love?
Popping and locking.

What kind of dance move do popcorns love? Popping and locking.

What’s the subtle difference between popcorn and pea soup?
Well, you are able to pop corn but can’t really pee soup.

For what crime do popcorns never get charged?
Being engaged in buttery.

Why were popcorns amazing friends as kids?
Because corns are always all ears.

What happened to the popcorn who was selected for the play in his school?
He was in Act II.

Laugh more: Funny School Jokes

What competition did the popcorn win the first prize in?
Pop quiz.

What kind of jokes do pop corn say to everyone around?
Dad jokes.

What did the baby corn say to the mom corn?
Where is my pop corn?

What does chuck norris do when he wants popcorn?
He breathes on Nebraska!

What do Corn cobs call their father?
“Pop” corn.

Laugh more: Funny Dad Jokes

What do Corn cobs call their father? "Pop" corn.

How is a bag of popcorn like an army?
It has lots of kernels.

What do popcorn use for money?
Corn “Bread.”

What do you tell a bag of popcorn after it graduates from College?

Why didn’t anyone laugh at the popcorn jokes?
Because they were too corny!

Knock Knock Jokes about Popcorn

Knock-Knock jokes are guaranteed to leave you wanting more, regardless of how funny or cringeworthy they may be. These hilarious knock-knock jokes about popcorn will give you a good laugh.

Knock Knock.
Who is out there?
Corn’s dad.
Corn’s dad who?
Pop corn.

Knock Knock.
Who knocks?
Pop who?
Popcorn’s ready – start the movie.

Laugh more: Funny Movie Jokes

Knock knock…
Who’s there?…
Papa who?…
Papapapapapapapa popcorn.

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Eye who?

Popcorn Puns

Popcorn is a great movie-watching snack since it is both tasty and filling. Here are some of the most hilarious (and corny) popcorn puns you’ll ever read. Indulge in these butter-licious popcorn jokes!

I have great respect for people who sell popcorn at movie theaters.
They make a lot of corn-cessions at work.

I have great respect for people who sell popcorn at movie theaters. They make a lot of corn-cessions at work.

I absolutely hate normal popcorn.
I should try some butter ones.

There is no other better match than popcorn and movies.
They are butter together.

I hate it when someone knocks over my popcorn.
Accident or not, I still s-corn them for that.

A popcorn’s favorite holiday is In-the-pan-dance Day.

Hey, look! I got free butterfingers with my bag of popcorn.

When the popcorn found his long lost friend, he promised to pop over to his place.

The angry popcorn got offended at the jokester who cracked a corny joke.

Popcorns can see just like everybody else through their corn-ea.

Popcorn is the corn-erstone of any movie night.

Popcorn is the corn-erstone of any movie night.

We had so much popcorn at the movies.
We had a grain time!

You cannot run away without facing the corn-sequences of stealing my popcorn.

To make popcorn chicken in KFC, they use chicken Kernels.

When the popcorn met his best friend, he asked him “What’s popping?”

I love butter popcorn because of the butter flavouring.

The prosecutors pressed charges on the popcorn for a-salt and buttery.

We all know that Kernel Sanders was the man behind the invention of popcorn chicken.

A famous celebrity popcorn is called a popstar.

When the popcorn’s wife called her husband to know where he is, he told her “I’m just around the corn-er.”

When the popcorn's wife called her husband to know where he is, he told her "I'm just around the corn-er."

The land of popcorn should be called a corn-try instead.

It is weird why a tart filled with popcorn isn’t called pop tart instead.

I am so happy I won the popcorn eating corn-test.

The name of a dance party in a cornfield should be called a cornball dance.

I don’t know what’s more adorable between a baby corn and sweet corn.
I am corn-fused.

The corn did not want to corn-tinue working in his job because there was a breach of corn-tract.

The corn-flict between the two kernels finally came to a corn-clusion.

Any species of animals that sustain themselves by eating corn are the corn-ivorous kind.

A dog’s favorite type of popcorn is a pupcorn.

A dog's favorite type of popcorn is a pupcorn.

They were corn-ducting a field day for the corn students in school today.

Beware of the cornfield.
It is a very complicated maize to navigate through.

The corn-man was a criminal so I called the cobs on him.

Only the cream of the crop can become kernels.

My boss was very corn-siderate when my personal problems cropped up in the last meeting.

Don’t ever trust corn for good advice when you are in a soup.
They are wet behind the ears.

I love visiting the cornfield whenever I need some fresh ear.

A commander of a corn army is called a Kernel.

When the naughty baby corn was making a mess, his teacher sent him to the naughty corn-er.

When the naughty baby corn was making a mess, his teacher sent him to the naughty corn-er.

“Oh shucks!” exclaimed the farmer when he forgot to harvest the corn.

A single corn kernel should actually be called a uni-corn.

A corn dog should be called popcorn instead.

Corn kernels are usually born with Capri-corn as their sun sign.

The corn-vict was prosecuted in court for mis-cornduct.

When one corn wanted to hear a secret from the other, he said “I am all ears.”

I maize well eat corn that has fallen out of a stalk. Waste not, want not.

The corn farm dog was actually part husky.

The corn farm dog was actually part husky.

I failed to bring a map to the corn maize, so I decided to play it by ear.

The corn farmer got extremely successful because he corn-ered the market.

A baby corn calls his dad pop corn.

There is a kernel of truth to the fact that some people think popcorn is hard to chew.

The corn stalks held a ceremony for the scarecrow to corn-gratulate him for being out-standing in the field.

The corniest baseball player is Ty Cobb.

When the cornfield heard the rain coming it felt like music to its ears.

You should be cautious of what you say in a cornfield.
They all have ears.

The football team who practiced in the cornfield got creamed.

The football team who practiced in the cornfield got creamed.

A corn stalk that changes careers is usually one who goes to a different field.

A pair of cornstalks who are best friends are called earbuds.

One should never bring corn to a plane.
Its ears will pop.

Laugh more: Funny Airplane Jokes

Don’t ever swallow an entire corn cob.
You will get corn-stipated.

I felt that I was being stalked when I visited the corn maize.
It was so earie.


There you have it! The best popcorn jokes we can find. For all of you foodies, and everyone else who enjoys popcorns, here is a great selection of corny, savoury, and amusing popcorn jokes. This hilarious compilation of clean and friendly popcorn jokes, and puns are sure to put a smile on your face. Please feel free to share these popcorn jokes to your friends so that you can all have a good belly laugh together.

If you have enjoyed this collection, we sure have more for you. More jokes for some laughs!

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I am Jimmy, clown at heart. I love silly, funny, nerdy, quirky jokes. So I thought I should start a website about jokes. Why a carrot as a logo? Why not! Here, have a carrot!