Whether you’re throwing a birthday bash, a wedding, or any other kind of party, planning it may be a difficult experience. When you are in charge of throwing a party, there are a lot of different things you need to consider about, in addition to choosing the proper location, the right games, and the right food. Also, don’t you ever forget to learn some party jokes.
Although a lot of individuals don’t give much thought to the entertainment for their parties, this is one oversight that you definitely do not want to make. You may make or ruin your party with the entertainment you choose. So you’ll just have to laugh at yourself!
There are millions of jokes that may make you the funniest person at a party and give your audience some wild and insane laughter. If you choose the right jokes, you can make yourself the star of the show and you can humor your friends. Check them out in the list below!
We share with you:
Birthday Party Jokes
Looking for good party jokes? You may as well have some fun on your birthday and poke fun at becoming older. No matter how old the celebrant is turning, they are sure to get a good laugh out of these birthday jokes.
Whether you’re searching for a hilarious birthday joke to put in a card or want to text your buddy something goofy on their birthday, this collection of nice birthday jokes will help you enjoy the occasion and spread laughter in the best possible manner.
Pick one of these hilarious jokes about parties to make their day even more enjoyable.
Laugh more: Funny Birthday Jokes
Did you hear about the tree’s birthday party?
Things got pretty sappy!
What does a clam do on his birthday?
It shellebrates!
What kind of music is scary for birthday balloons?
Pop music.
Why do some people get heartburn every time they eat birthday cake?
They always forget to take off the candles.
Laugh more: Funny Cake Jokes
What does it mean if no one shows up to your birthday party?
You can have your cake and eat it, too
Why are birthdays good for your health?
Studies have shown that people who have more birthdays actually live longer.
What’s something you get for your birthday every year, aside from cake and presents?
Another year older.
Did you hear about the birthday candle sale?
It was a big blowout!
Why did the boy soap as a birthday present?
Because it was a soaprize party!
Why is it a good idea to become friends with babies?
It means you’ll get free cake once a year on their birthday for the rest of your life.
How come you didn’t get me a birthday present?
You did say I should surprise you, right?
What was the elephant’s birthday wish?
A trunk full of gifts.
What kind of birthday cake do ghosts like?
I scream cake.
Why does everyone invite ice cream to the party?
It’s cool.
Laugh more: Funny Ice Jokes
What’s the fanciest kind of birthday party you can throw for a dog?
A ball.
What do you get a hunter as a birthday present?
A birthday pheasant.
Why was the birthday cake hard as a rock?
It was a marble cake.
Why did the woman celebrate her birthday for only 30 seconds?
It was her 32nd birthday.
What should you give a dragon for its birthday?
I’m not sure, but you’d better hope he’ll like it!
Why do all of my relatives keep reminding me how old I am on my birthday?
Because age is a relative thing.
Why couldn’t the pony sing happy birthday?
She was feeling a little hoarse.
What do George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Christopher Columbus have in common?
They were all born on holidays.
Read more: Famous Quotes
What do you say to a kangaroo on its birthday?
Hoppy Birthday!
What’s the best way to remember your wife’s birthday?
Forget it once.
What should you say to a fish on its birthday?
Hope you have a fin-tastic birthday!
Why is a birthday cake like playing baseball?
They both need batters.
Laugh more: Funny Baseball Jokes
How can you tell if a birthday cake is sad?
If it’s in tiers.
What did the cake say to the birthday girl?
You wanna piece of me?
What is no cat birthday party complete without?
Why does the room get brighter on your birthday every year?
All of the candles on your birthday cake light things up!
What do you call a sick birthday cake?
Coughee cake.
What kind of birthday cake do they serve in heaven?
Angel food cake.
When is a birthday cake similar to a golf ball?
When it’s sliced.
Laugh more: Funny Sports Jokes
What did the fork ask the sad birthday cake?
“What’s eating you up?”
Why do kangaroos celebrate their birthdays once every four years?
They only get to celebrate them on leap years.
Why don’t kids remember much about their past birthday parties?
They’re too focused on the present.
What did the horse wish for on its birthday?
A stable economy.
Laugh more: Funny Animal Jokes
Why did the birthday boy smash his cake with a hammer?
Because it was a pound cake.
Does one type of birthday candle burn longer than another?
No, they all burn shorter.
Why do candles have such a good time at birthday parties?
They love getting lit!
What did the hippie to her birthday party guests while she was serving cake?
May piece be with you.
Which side is the left side of a birthday cake?
The side that hasn’t been eaten yet.
What did one candle say to the other?
Don’t birthdays just light you up?”
Short Party Jokes
There are two main types of jokes: those that need extensive preparation and a strong attention span, and those that can be fired off quickly with little thought. The great thing about short jokes is that you can recite them from memory. Here are our favourite short jokes—and no, they have nothing to do with people being short.
Have you heard about the light bulb party?
It was pretty lit!
Can you tell who owns bitcoin at a party?
Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.
NASA throws a party. How does it work?
They planet.
Laugh more: Funny Science Jokes
What do farmers do at parties?
They turnip the beets.
Why is ice cream always invited to parties?
It’s cool.
Do you know about the Creeper-only party?
It was a bast!
What do Minecraft players do to celebrate?
They throw block parties!
Do you know what a dance party on a minefield is called?
A bad Idea.
Do you know what kind of party is thrown in a cemetery?
A grave rave.
Have you heard about the wolves’ all-night bash?
If you didn’t, it was a howling success!
What did the cannibal get when he arrived late to the party?
A cold shoulder.
Why did the birthday girl feel so warm at her birthday celebration?
People kept toasting her!
What do monsters serve at their birthday parties?
I scream cake.
How do you describe a dwarf suicide bomber?
A party popper.
Do you know how to throw a surprise party at a hospital?
Bring a strobe light into the epilepsy ward.
Laugh more: Funny Doctor Jokes
Party Jokes One-liners
The vast majority of us are not professional comedians, and we do not always have a supply of funny one liners ready to contribute at parties. Because of this, a witty comeback is something worth having on hand. A good joke may make anybody feel more comfortable in social circumstances. Lord knows we all need it!
Been invited to a hair washing party, I’ve no excuse not to go.
Went to a railway fancy dress party, everyone was wearing platforms.
Went to a fancy dress party as an alarm clock.
Got really irritated, everyone was winding me up.
Going to a recycling party this weekend, the invite said to bring a bottle.
I went to a fancy dress pool party once, There was a large cue outside
Last week’s Two Types of People jokes are here.
Cocktail Party Jokes
What follows is a selection of jokes about cocktails that we think you’ll find hilarious. You can wow your buddies with some hilariously original cocktail mixologist jokes that they haven’t heard before.
Dickbutt is probably an alcoholic.
He’s always got a cocktail.
Laugh more: Funny Beer Jokes
Do you like cocktails?
Wanna tell me some?
What do you call a Jewish incendiary device?
A mazal tov cocktail
A woman sits in a bar and orders a cocktail named “Double Enténdre”
So the barkeeper gives it to her.
Have you tried that new cocktail called Hurricane Sandy?
It’s just a watered down Manhattan.
Laugh more: Funny Weather Jokes
What’s Jared Fogles favourite Vietnamese cocktail?
Sum yung gai.
What’s a Jewish pyromaniac’s favorite explosive?
A Mazeltov Cocktail.
I need a cocktail
Hold the tail.
What do you call a rioting Jew?
A Mazel Tov Cocktail.
How do you make a Tupac cocktail?
Start by putting six shots in it.
What’s a particle physicist’s favourite cocktail?
A Large Hadron Colada.
Why couldn’t I take my cocktail home with me?
It was a little Old Fashioned.
Why won’t they serve black russians at White House cocktail parties?
Because there isn’t, and never was, any kahluasion.
Birthday Party Jokes for Adults
It’s always beneficial to have a good chuckle about growing older with close friends and family members as the years go by. Here is a collection of funny jokes for parties that are perfect in birthday cards for a friend. Share with friends.
What do you call two witches who live together?
Why don’t chickens play baseball?
Because they hit foul balls.
Where do cows go dancing?
The Meatball.
Laugh more: Funny Cow Jokes
What happens when frogs park illegally?
They get toad.
Why was Cinderella taken off the basketball team?
She ran away from the ball.
Laugh more: Funny Basketball Jokes
How does the sky pay its bills?
With a raincheck.
Where do zombies plant their flowers?
In a graveyard.
Laugh more: Funny Flower Jokes
What do you call a can opener that doesn’t work?
A can’t opener.
What do elves do after school?
What has a neck but no head?
A bottle.
What loses its head in the morning but gets it back at night?
A pillow.
What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?
Nacho cheese!
Laugh more: Funny Cheese Jokes
Where did the president keep his armies?
In his sleevies.
What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday?
Aye Matey!
Why do tigers eat raw meat?
They’ve never learned how to cook.
What do you call a cow that picks on his friends?
A bully.
What do lazy dogs do for fun?
Chase parked cars.
Laugh more: Funny Car Jokes
What did the skeleton say after serving food in a restaurant?
What goes up but never comes back down?
Your age.
Why do bees hum?
They just don’t know the words to the song.
Why did they let a turkey join the thanksgiving band?
Because they have drumsticks.
Laugh more: Funny Thanksgiving Jokes
What did the traffic light say to the car?
Don’t look, I’m changing.
How do you put an astronaut baby to sleep?
If everyone in the U.S. bought a white car, what would we have?
A white carnation.
Why did the scarecrow win an Oscar?
He was out standing in his field.
Where does Friday come before Thursday?
In the dictionary.
What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?
A palm tree.
Laugh more: Funny Tree Jokes
These amusing party birthday jokes include punchlines that just perfect, whether you’re looking for corny jokes about parties to include in a card or you just want to have the party chortling (or rolling their eyes) with a few quips of your own.
If you had some fun with these jokes about parties, you better check out our other compilation of jokes we have put together for you!
- Funny quotes
- Hilarious History Jokes
- Jokes for Teens (that are funny!)
- Funny Questions (and answers)
- Beach puns and jokes
- Chemistry Jokes
- Star Wars Jokes
- Love Jokes
- Coffee Puns and Jokes
- Funny Clean Jokes
- Science Jokes
- Funny Mum jokes
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