Internet Jokes

80 Funny Internet Jokes (Witty, Hilarious, Entertaining)

In a world where technology reigns supreme, and the digital realm is an integral part of our daily lives, it’s easy to get caught up in the serious side of things. But what about the laughter that springs from the quirks, glitches, and peculiarities of our interconnected existence? Welcome to a journey through the lighter side of tech and connectivity. In this blog post, we’re diving into a world of Internet puns, programmer jokes, Wi-Fi mishaps, and computer humor that not only tickles your funny bone but also sheds light on the idiosyncrasies that unite us in this digital age.

We’re here to explore everything from witty one-liners that capture the essence of programming woes to chuckle-inducing anecdotes that highlight the love-hate relationship with Wi-Fi signals. So whether you’re a tech-savvy coder, an avid Internet surfer, or someone who simply enjoys a good laugh, join us as we unravel the hilarious tales and clever wordplay that make our tech-centric lives all the more amusing. Get ready to be entertained, nod in agreement, and perhaps gain a new perspective on the everyday technologies that shape our world, one laugh at a time.

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Internet Puns & Jokes

The Internet isn’t just about serious business; it’s also a goldmine of witty puns and jokes that capture the essence of our online experiences. From hilarious memes that reflect relatable struggles like slow Wi-Fi connections to clever one-liners about the woes of browser tabs multiplying like rabbits, this collection will have you laughing out loud while nodding in agreement. 

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How do trees access the internet?

They log in.

What is a pirate’s least favorite letter?

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

We are cutting your internet connection due to the following reasons:

Illegal Downloading.

I got the book “Internet Forums for Dummies” from a friend.
But I need to take it back because I already have Reddit.

Kid: “Dad! Who’s our internet service provider?”

Dad: “I am.”

Kid “Dad! Who’s our internet service provider” Dad “I am.”

How do you stop an Internet troll?

Seize their memes of production.

I’ve got a meeting with the guy who invented the progress bar during the era of dial-up internet.

He’s going to be here in 2 hours and 13 minutes.

Edit: Apparently, he’s stuck in traffic, and he’s going to be here in 6 hours and 54 minutes.

Edit 2: He’s making better progress than thought; he will be here in 12 minutes.

Edit 3: Apparently, it will now take him five days.

I wonder what my parents did to fight boredom before the internet.

I asked my 18 brothers and sisters, and they don’t know either.

What chemical is released in your brain when you see something funny on the internet?


What chemical is released in your brain when you see something funny on the internet? Dopameme.

What do you call it when there is no internet in Russia?


They say 1 million monkeys with 1 million keyboards can produce the entire works of Shakespeare.

Thanks to the internet, we now know that’s not true.

If the Internet had a boat, where would they park it?

In Google Docs.

Who is a famous explorer from the past that has been largely forgotten?

Internet Explorer.

Who is a famous explorer from the past that has been largely forgotten? Internet Explorer.

My dad said he wasn’t sure about posting Ebola jokes on the Internet.

I think they’d go viral.

If cows don’t have internet, how do they order things?

From a cattle log.

I hate using Microsoft Internet browsers.

It has me on Edge.

I don’t need Google.

My wife knows everything!

I don't need Google. My wife knows everything!

I researched about LGBT on the internet today.

I just couldn’t get a straight answer.

My Internet stopped working for 5 minutes.

Met my parents.

They’re nice people.

Why did the internet joke go viral?

Because it had great bandwidth for laughter!

Want to hear an internet joke on a slow connection?

Never mind, it won’t load in time for the punchline!

Want to hear an internet joke on a slow connection? Never mind, it won't load in time for the punchline!

Funny Programmers Joke 

Have you ever wondered what programmers do when they’re not busy debugging or writing code? Well, they also have a knack for humor that’s as precise as their coding skills! Their jokes might not compile as quickly as their software, but when they do, it’s a byte-sized burst of laughter.

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Why do Java developers wear glasses?

Because they don’t see sharp.

Why don’t programmers like nature walks?

The outdoors is full of syntax errors.

Why did the programmer go broke?

Because he used up all his cache!

Why do programmers hate nature?

It has too many bugs.

Why do programmers hate nature? It has too many bugs.

Why did the programmer quit his job?

He didn’t get arrays.

Why do programmers say “Hello world!” when they meet each other?

Because they’re just trying to break the ice.

Why did the programmer get thrown out of school?

He was caught with too many classes.

What does a programmer wear?

Whatever is in the dress code.

What does a programmer wear? Whatever is in the dress code.

Why was the JavaScript developer sad?

Because he didn’t get any callbacks.

What do Spanish programmers code?

Sí ++.

Ever heard about the computer programmer who moved to Mexico?

He wanted to be a señor developer.

What do you call it when computer programmers make fun of each other?

Cyber boolean.

What do you call it when computer programmers make fun of each other? Cyber boolean.

Why do programmers like dark mode?

Because light attracts bugs.

What kind of dogs do programmers have?

Computer Labs.

A programmer got stuck in the shower because…

The instructions on the shampoo bottle said: “Lather, Rinse, Repeat.”

My friend quit his job as a programmer…

He didn’t get arrays.

My friend quit his job as a programmer… He didn’t get arrays.

Programmer: “Honey, you’re my number one…”

Wife: “Oh, really!? Well, who’s your number zero, you cheat!”.

Who was the Windows programmer’s favorite hip-hop group?


What’s a programmer’s favorite drug?


What do programmers do when they’re hungry?

They grab a byte.

What do programmers do when they're hungry? They grab a byte.

Wi-fi Jokes 

Have you ever felt like your relationship with Wi-Fi is a love-hate one? These Wi-Fi jokes capture the frustration, dependence, and sometimes hilarious situations that arise when we’re dealing with the temperamental world of wireless connectivity.

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Me: What’s the wifi password?

Bartender: You need to buy a drink first.

Me: Okay, I’ll have a Coke.

Bartender: Is Pepsi okay?

Me: Sure. How much is that?

Bartender: $3.

Me: There you go. So what’s the wifi password?

Bartender: You need to buy a drink first. No spaces, all lowercase.

Set your Wi-Fi password to 2444666668888888.

So when someone asks what your password is, just tell them it’s: 12345678.

My wifi password is “writtenontherouter”…

And I let all my guests walk to the router and let them unsuccessfully try to use the initial password until I tell them it’s literally “writtenontherouter.”

Why don’t churches have wifi?

They don’t wanna compete with an invisible power that actually works.

Why don’t churches have wifi? They don’t wanna compete with an invisible power that actually works.

Why did the Wi-Fi network get in trouble at school?

It couldn’t stop talking in class – it had too much bandwidth!

Why did the tomato turn red near the Wi-Fi router?

It saw the salad dressing!

I named my Wi-Fi network “404.”

So whenever someone searches for it, they find nothing!

Why did the cat sit next to the Wi-Fi router?

It wanted to keep an eye on the mouse!

Why did the cat sit next to the Wi-Fi router? It wanted to keep an eye on the mouse!

Why did the coffee shop owner change the Wi-Fi password?

Too many people were loitering without buying anything, so he gave them “grounds” for leaving!

Why did the Wi-Fi signal apply for a job?

It wanted to get better reception in the working world!

Why did the hipster refuse to use Wi-Fi?

He wanted a more underground connection.

Why did the computer go to therapy?

It had too many issues with its Wi-Fi relationship!

Why did the computer go to therapy? It had too many issues with its Wi-Fi relationship!

Why did the detective refuse to use Wi-Fi for his investigation?

He preferred to connect the dots in person.

Why was the math book sitting near the Wi-Fi router?

It had too many problems to solve, but the Wi-Fi just didn’t give any solutions!

My Wi-Fi password is “not free.”

So when guests ask, I can say, “Sorry, it’s ‘not free.'”

I was going to tell you a Wi-Fi joke, but the signal was weak…

I was going to tell you a Wi-Fi joke, but the signal was weak...

Why did the Wi-Fi network start going to therapy?

It couldn’t stop dwelling on its childhood router issues.

I set my Wi-Fi name to “FBI Surveillance Van.”

Now all my neighbors are on their best behavior!

Why did the chef use Wi-Fi while cooking?

Because he wanted to download some fresh recipes!

My Wi-Fi password is “Hodor.”

It holds the door to the internet realm!

My Wi-Fi password is "Hodor." It holds the door to the internet realm!

Witty Computer Jokes 

If you’ve ever had to deal with a frozen screen or tried to comprehend cryptic error messages, these computer jokes will resonate with you. Embrace the lighter side of tech mishaps and pixelated predicaments with a collection of humor that turns technical hiccups into sources of amusement. Computers have a knack for surprising us with their unpredictable behavior, leading to moments that can range from exasperating to downright hilarious.

Explore a medley of jokes that revolve around system crashes, software updates that seem to have a mind of their own, and the eternal struggle of finding the right password. Whether you’re a seasoned tech enthusiast or a casual user, these jokes will remind you that even in the world of ones and zeros, laughter is a universal language.

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How did the computer hackers get away from the scene of a crime?

They were just ransomware.

The first computer dates back to Adam and Eve.

It was an Apple with limited memory, just one byte.

And then everything crashed.

I told my boss, “Sorry I’m late. I was having computer issues.”

Boss: Hard drive?

Me: No, the commute was fine. It’s my laptop.

What’s the difference between a computer and an American?

An American doesn’t have troubleshooting.

What’s the difference between a computer and an American? An American doesn’t have trouble-shooting.

Why couldn’t the computer take its hat off?

Because it had its CAPS LOCK on.

Why did the computer go to a doctor?

It thought it had a terminal illness.

My grandpa asked me how to print on his computer.

I told him it was Ctrl-P.

He said he hadn’t been able to do that for ages.

I dropped my computer on my foot.

It mega-hurts.

I dropped my computer on my foot. It mega-hurts.

My boss calls me “The computer.”

Not because of my calculation skills but because I go to sleep when left unattended for 15 minutes.

How does a computer get drunk?

It takes screenshots.

Where are dead computer hackers buried?

In decrypt.

What is a computer virus?

A terminal illness.

What is a computer virus? A terminal illness.

Why can’t elephants use computers?

Because they’re scared of the mouse.

What was Hitler’s favorite computer game?

Mein Kraft.

How did the mouse get out of the Roman Cathedral?

He clicked on an icon and opened a window.

What kind of doctor fixes broken websites?

A URLologist.

What kind of doctor fixes broken websites? A URLologist.

Have you heard about the Disney virus?

It makes everything on your computer go Goofy.

What happened when a dragon breathed on several Macintosh computers?

He wound up with baked Apples!

Why did the chicken cross the Web?

To get to the other site.

What computer can sing “Hello”?

A Dell.

What computer can sing “Hello”? A Dell.


In conclusion, the collection of jokes presented here takes a hilarious dive into the tech-savvy world, bringing a smile to the faces of readers and highlighting the lighter side of our digital lives. From witty computer jokes that playfully poke fun at our reliance on technology to amusing internet jokes that capture the quirks of online interactions, the assortment of humor reflects the relatable moments we all share in the digital age.

The WiFi jokes not only tickle our funny bones but also remind us of the frustrations and oddities that come with connectivity woes. And, of course, the programmer jokes brilliantly combine coding lingo and humor, creating a symphony of laughter for those who understand the intricacies of programming.

These jokes serve as a reminder that even in a world driven by algorithms and data, a good laugh is still a universal language. So whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a casual user, or a coding maestro, these jokes provide a refreshing break from the binary world and a chance to share a collective chuckle over the quirks and idiosyncrasies of our internet-dominated lives.

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I am Julia, I love to laugh and I love to make people laugh.