Do you have a fear of clowns? It is actually a real thing. It is called coulrophobia. We heard a lot of stories about it and it can be really terrifying. We hope that these best clown jokes and circus jokes can help you overcome them.
Clowns can make you chuckle. Clowns, with their amusing jester and antics, often fill large shoes. These funny clown jokes will make you laugh out loud if you like a circus! These jokes about clowns will have you giggling like you’re at the circus.
We share with you:
Funny Clown Jokes
All children like clowns, comedy, antics, and it is this that allows the circus to continue to exist. Clown jokes and circus jokes may brighten a gloomy day. Attack the juggler!
When do clowns go to the doctor in their clown car?
When they feel a little funny!
Laugh more: Funny Car Jokes
Who had big shoes to fill?
The circus clown.
What kind of doctor tells people that laughter is the best medicine?
A clown doctor.
What was the reason behind the clown throwing his clock out of the window?
He wanted to see whether time flies.
What was the name of the fish that tasted funny?
Laugh more: Funny Fish Jokes
What did the tiger call the clown?
His happy meal.
Why was the clown’s education a joke?
Because he was juggling with his future.
How do clowns cook their eggs?
Funny side up!
Why did the clown get suspended from his job?
Because he was fooling everyone.
How did the clown cross the road?
By putting his stilt on.
How did the clown impress everyone?
He showed a nice jester.
What kind of fever did the clown have?
Juggle fever.
How does one escape when attacked by a gang of clowns?
Just go for the juggler!
What is the name of a clown who hates sitting down?
A stand-up comic.
How did the clown snore?
Honk Shoe! Honk Shoe! Honk Shoe!
How did the clown count his money?
Laugh more: Funny Movie Jokes
What is used to make a clown outfit?
Which test did the clown blow off?
The balloon blowing test!
Why did the people run away from the clown?
Because he smelled funny!
Why did the clown leave the cheese circus?
Because he could not find his stilton.
Laugh more: Funny Cheese Jokes
Circus Jokes For Kids
Here are a few humorous clown jokes to throw out on your friends. These circus jokes for kids will make you laugh so hard.
Which circus performers can see in the dark?
The acro-bats!
Did you hear about the human cannonball?
He got fired!
Did you hear about the fire at the circus?
The heat was in-tents!
What happened to the elephant who ran away with the circus?
The police made him bring it back!
What happened when the magician got mad?
She pulled her hare out!
What happened when the short fortune-teller who escaped from prison?
She was a small medium at large!
How do you catch a circus elephant?
Hide in the high grass and make noises like a peanut.
Laugh more: Funny Elephant Jokes
Why did the clown cross the road?
To get his rubber chicken!
What did the egg say to the clown?
You crack me up!
Why did the clown go to the doctor?
Because he was feeling a little funny!
Funny Clown Puns
With these outrageous clown puns, you’ll be laughing from the top of your wig to the bottom of your big shoes.
How did the clown write his jokes?
He jest put pun to paper!
How were the clown’s tricks?
What’s the funniest fish?
A clownfish.
Why was the lopsided clown looking for another piece of cheese?
He only had one stilt-on!
My wife dated a clown before we started going out.
I had some big shoes to fill.
What’s a rodeo clown’s favorite type of bar?
A honky-tonk.
What do you get when you boil a clown?
Laughing stock.
I’m going to send a clown to deliver flowers to my wife.
Will she think that’s a romantic jester?
Why don’t cannibals eat clowns?
Because they taste funny.
Which city was ruled by all clowns?
Clown Jokes One Liners
These clown one-liners will amuse the whole family. With these humorous clown jokes, you may show your family you’re a good jester.
A clown held a door open for me the other day.
I thought, “what a nice jester”.
Friend of mine is an expert in making clown shoes.
It’s no small feat.
I had a friend who was a clown who performed on stilts.
I always looked up to him.
Went to the circus and saw some clowns with tightrope walkers.
Oddest flavour of crisps yet.
If you like these clown jokes, have a look here for an alphabetical list of joke topics.
I’m going to send a clown to deliver flowers to my wife…
will she think that’s a romantic jester
My Mom bought me a clown shaped lollipop at the circus,
but it sure did taste funny!
I think I’m going to start a clown shoe business.
But it’s no small feat!
My Dad was the head clown at the circus, until he passed away. I guess I have some pretty big shoes to fill!
My Mom was a clown who performed on stilts.
I always looked up to her!
Dead Clown Jokes
This collection is a bit dark. If you are into something like this, you better start reading, but if you think this is too much for you, skip this part and have fun!
What do you get when you cross a clown with a train?
A dead clown.
What do dead clowns have?
Funny bones
What do a sea shanty and an overstuffed clown car have in common?
Fifteen men on a dead man’s chest.
Rude Clown Jokes
Here is a collection of rude clown jokes that will make you feel like you’re at the circus with all of the excitement and laughter. Have fun!
Why was the clown sad?
She broke her funny bone.
What are clown suits made from?
What does a cannibal call a clown?
A Happy Meal.
How big is a clown’s hard drive?
50 Gigglebytes.
Laugh more: Funny Nerd Jokes
What is the gooey red stuff between an elephant’s toes?
Slow clowns.
My girlfriend told me I was acting like a clown.
It was so upsetting that I stopped juggling and almost fell off my unicycle.
Why do clowns often have stiff necks?
Because they sleep funny!
Why did the clown feel sad looking at the balloon?
Because of inflation, he could not buy it.
Did you hear about the clown who ran away with the circus?
The ringmaster made him bring it back!
I quit my job at McDonald’s yesterday.
Turns out, my boss was a real clown.
My parents hired a clown for my birthday party.
But he was a real Bozo.
How huge was the clown’s hard drive?
100 giggle-bytes!
Why are all clowns so busy?
They’ve got a lot of funny business to handle.
Scary Clown Jokes
We know that clowns can be scary, but trust us when we say that they can also be so funny! Enjoy them with friends.
How is going to a singles bar different from going to the circus?
At the circus, the clowns don’t talk.
What do you call electronics workers who act like buffoons?
Circuit clowns.
Why did the guy quit his job at the clown shoe factory?
Because it was no small feet.
Why don’t aliens in UFOs ever abduct clowns?
Because they smell funny.
Laugh more here: Hilarious Alien Jokes
How do you know if you’re having circus weather today?
The heat is in tents.
How do you kill a circus clown act?
Just go for the juggler.
Why did a vampire join the circus?
To become an acrobat.
How do you make a juggler laugh?
Just tickle his balls!
What caused the death of the old circus juggler?
His balls dropped while he was juggling knives.
Why is the circus full of vampires?
They need someone to do bit parts!
Why don’t vampires suck the blood of clowns?
Because they have a funny aftertaste.
If a car with four clowns drives off a cliff, what is the tragedy in that?
You can fit a lot more than four in a car.
Why did the cops pull over the Mini Cooper full of clowns on their way across the road?
For the fun of it, plus they obviously weren’t wearing seat belts.
Which material is usually used to make clown suits?
Why did the pirate clown leave the cheesy circus?
Since he only had one leg, he couldn’t get his Stilton.
Laugh more: Funny Cheese Puns
Bozo The Clown Jokes
We’ve got some more jokes for you. This compilation of jokes will jog your memory of Bozo the Clown’s exploits. You will totally love these funny clowns.
Some bozo tried to tell me processed meat was bad for me.
I said, “Pfft, that’s baloney.”
Jeff Bozos was cleaning his bedside lamp when a genie popped out.
Genie: One wish only, my good sir.
Bezos: Name it.
Bozo the Clown- The Darkest Joke Ever Told
A man goes to the doctor.
He says, “Doctor, I’ve been depressed for as long as I can remember.
The world is such a dark place. What should I do?”
The doctor says, “Go to the park and find Bozo the Clown.
Everyone who goes to see him perform laughs, and everyone leaves him feeling happy.”
Knock Knock Clown Jokes
How about something classic? These knock knock jokes will make you laugh so hard your nose will turn red!
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Clown who?
Clown for the count!
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Voodoo who?
Voodoo you think you are, asking all these questions?
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Sadie who?
Sadie magic word and I’ll come in!
Clowns have contagious laughter. The pleasant jester and antics of clowns sometimes leave them with large shoes to fill. If you think a band of clowns is amusing, then this collection of hilarious clown jokes and puns will make you laugh even harder and louder!
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