Life for the Boy Scout revolves around camping, merit badges, and community service. The Boy Scouts organization believes outdoor activities, such as camping, water sports, and hiking, develop the character traits — leadership, courage, and self-reliance — they wish to nurture. It believes outdoor activity helps build character, citizenship, and personal fitness.
Hey, if you like a good laugh, you’re in the right place. The BSA wants everyone to learn leadership skills while they enjoy the outdoors. Maybe that’s why they choose to camp and nature as their best testing grounds for new scouts. If a campfire or hike doesn’t get you laughing, nothing will!
Laugh more here: Kid Jokes About School
We share with you:
Funny Boy Scouts Jokes
A clean and funny Boy Scouts joke is a perfect choice if you’re looking for a way to liven up your scout meeting. Whether it’s heard around the campfire or the back of your car: Be the leader that people want to follow. Try out this sample at your next meeting, and you’ll be sure to get everyone cracking up by the end!
Laugh more here: School Jokes for Kids About School and Teachers
How are socks like Boy Scouts?
They always come pre-paired.
What do baseball scouts look for when they go to a Mexican restaurant?
What do Boy Scouts and bondage fetishists have in common?
I knot a lot.
Why is it so easy for a scout to get married?
Because they know fifty ways to tie the knot.
How can you tell when a Scout has earned the Cooking merit badge?
He makes good use of his thyme.
What did the Scoutmaster say to a scout nervous about learning to tie a bowline?
You have knotting to worry about!
How many boy scouts does it take to change a lightbulb?
One. But it takes a few days because he only gives it a good turn daily.
My son was worried about going to a Boy Scouts meeting for the first time…
I told him he had knotting to worry about.
Why are Boy Scouts annoying to play video games with?
Because they’re good at camping!
I will sabotage the winners’ tents in the next boy scouts competition
I’ll knock them down a peg or two.
I heard they’re letting girls join the boy scouts now.
They’re going to help the boys pitch a tent.
How are socks like Scouts?
They always come pre-paired.
Who does a good turn daily and floats in water?
A buoy, Scout!
Why don’t Boy Scouts sell cookies?
Because who would buy a cookie with BS on the box?
Why did the gamer refuse to join the Boy Scouts?
He hates camping
Scouts are an easy-going bunch.
But they can be in tents.
Why does nobody like playing FPS games with Boy Scouts?
Because they’re good at camping.
How many scouts does it take to change a lightbulb?
One. But it takes a few days because they only give it a good turn daily.
What is a Filipino person’s favorite girl scout cookie?
What do you call an Eagle Scout fresh off to military boot camp?
A bald eagle.
What did the quarterback say to the Scout?
Why are Scouts annoying to play video games with?
Because they’re so good at camping!
My car horn wasn’t working, so I took it to a scout.
The Scout fixed it and said, “Beep repaired!”
The Boy Scouts came up with the strongest knot in the world
You leave a pair of earbuds in your pocket while you’re hiking.
Why did Roy Moore never miss a local Girl Scouts’ meeting?
Because Brownies are delicious.
What are a Cannibal’s favorite cookies?
Girl Scouts!
How are socks like Boy Scouts?
They always come pre-paired.
When I was younger, I was kicked out of the Boy Scouts
I ate a Brownie.
Why did the gamer refuse to join the Boy Scouts?
He hates camping
Why are Boy Scouts, such great murderers?
Because they leave no trace.
Call of Duty is like the Boy Scouts,
everyone’s gay, and there’s a lot of camping.
Why can’t Boy Scouts be MLG?
Because they’re campers.
Jokes About Scoutmasters and Scouting
You can’t go wrong with some good old-fashioned Boy Scouts jokes. The result is always funny, and if you memorize enough, there’s no limit to where they can go.
Laugh more here: Jokes about Studying
DEL: What kind of swamp do you roast on a stick?
JOHN: I have no clue.
DEL: A marshmallow!
DANIEL: What do a sunburned Scout and a banana have in common?
JOEL: I don’t know. What?
DANIEL: Neither likes peeling!
ALEX: How can you tell when a Scout has earned the Cooking merit badge?
ANDY: How?
ALEX: He makes good use of his thyme.
PEDRO: What did the quarterback say to the Scout?
NATHAN: Tell me.
PEDRO: “Hike!”
KYLE: What wears a uniform and floats in water?
JAKE: Tell me.
KYLE: A buoy, Scout!
ZACH: What did one flame say to the other?
SCOTT: Tell me.
ZACH: “We’re a perfect match.”
JOHNATHAN: What do you call a high-ranking Scout with a buzz cut?
BRUCE: It beats me.
JOHNATHAN: A “bald Eagle.”
ERIC: Knock, knock.
BRETT: Who’s there?
ERIC: Owl.
BRETT: Owl, who?
ERIC: Owl, tell you after I finish this Boys’ Life joke!
JACK: Why couldn’t the Scouts find the missing playing card?
DYLAN: I have no idea.
JACK: It got lost in the shuffle.
GREG: What kind of jacket do you wear on a hike?
PEG: Tell me.
GREG: A trailblazer!
Hilarious Girl Scout Jokes
Some people have an idea of what makes a good Scout joke. Others are merely content to laugh at societal inanity. But if you’re looking for a way to liven up your scout meeting so you can have a more memorable experience with your troop, then a clean and funny Girl Scouts joke is a perfect choice.
Laugh more here: Teenage Jokes One-Liners
I attacked the people who robbed me the other day
I’ve never seen girl scouts run so fast
What are the first words Jared Fogle’s girlfriend said to him?
“Would you like to buy some girl scout cookies, sir?”
Why did Roy Moore never miss a local Girl Scouts’ meeting?
Because Brownies are delicious.
Why do girl scout cookies taste so good?
Child labor
Why did the Girl Scout leader get kicked out of the troop?
They got caught eating brownies.
Why aren’t there fat girls on the boxes of girl scout cookies?
Because good drug dealers don’t use their own products.
I ate some Girl Scout Cookies that were way past their expiration date
and ended up with a nasty bout of samoanella.
I’m thinking of starting a business that will use free child labor in exchange for temporary housing.
Although I don’t know if I can compete with the Girl Scouts.
I attacked the people who robbed me the other day
I’ve never seen girl scouts run so fast
I’m thinking of starting a business that will use free child labor in exchange for temporary housing
Although I don’t know if I can compete with the Girl Scouts
What’s green and lays in a ditch while covered in cookie crumbs?
The Girl Scout that got hit by a car
What are the first words Jared Fogle’s girlfriend said to him?
“Would you like to buy some girl scout cookies, sir?”
What’s the difference between Jews and girl scouts?
The girl scouts come back from the camp.
A teen walks into a girl scout meeting.
They’re learning how to tie different types of knots.
The girl says “Can I join you?”
They reply “Can you knot?”
What are a Cannibal’s favorite cookies?
Girl Scouts!
What’s the difference between a girl scout and a Jew?
Girl scouts come home from camp
This Girl Scout Cookie diet is really paying off.
Now I’ve got that Samoan figure
My roommate gets really mad at me when I lick the Brownies.
He says the Girl Scouts are WAY less likely to tell their parents
Why aren’t there any fat girls on the boxes of girl scout cookies?
Because good drug dealers don’t use their own product
The Boy Scouts program is one that we can all look up to. We can take a few lessons from the themes they emphasize in their training system. Indeed, leadership and perseverance are traits that everyone should strive for! Check out this list of jokes about the Boy Scouts, and you may just be inspired to sign up and start your own troop.
Choose the best scout jokes depending on the boy’s age. For young scouts, choose jokes with easier wording and humor they can understand. Let your target audience be your guide as you find the best scout jokes to use at your next meeting.
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