Master Yoda Quotes To Help You Withstand These Dark Times

29 Beautiful Master Yoda Quotes To Help You Withstand These Dark Times

Yoda; the ultimate life coach, one of the most favorite characters in the Star Wars franchise. Who would have thought that a little green character from a movie can be so wise? The wisdom of Master Yoda has touched the lives of people inside and outside the Star Wars movies. Surely, Master Yoda quotes are all you need. 

Before social media brought us inspirational and motivational quotes, we had Yoda.  We compiled a list of the best and famous Yoda quotes that will definitely hit that soft spot in your hearts and keep you inspired.

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Yoda Quotes on Love

Love isn’t always about being romantic. Love can be felt in many ways, through kindness and guidance. In these trying times, where the world seems to succumb to hatred, we seek to love. Check out these quotes from Master Yoda and meditate in his loving words. May the force be with you.

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Close your mouth and open your ears, you must.
Then hear what your true heart is seeking, you will.

Close your mouth and open your ears, you must. Then hear what your true heart is seeking, you will.

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Always pass on what you have learned.

Smaller in number are we, but larger in mind.

A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind.

No greater gift there is, than a generous heart.

Poetic you become when in love you are.
In love continuously are those people who are called poets.

Deeper than your mind is your heart.
Love is deeper than logic.

Deeper than your mind is your heart. Love is deeper than logic

Share! Give! and given to you more will be.
Be a miser, do not give, and less will be given to you, because need it you do not.

To defeat an enemy, you do not have to kill.
Defeat the rage that burns in him, and he is your enemy no longer.
Rage the true enemy is.

Yoda Quotes on Happiness

Happiness is the feeling of being contented with life. It’s letting go of all the negativity and embracing the positive force of life. We believe that these are not random yoda quotes. These are meant for you. Here are some sayings from Yoda that teaches us how to be happy.  Check out these Star Wars Yoda quotes.

Read more: Ultimately Happy Quotes to Make your Day A-okay!

Train yourself to let go… of everything you fear to lose.

Feel the force!

You will know when you are calm, at peace. Passive.
A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.

You will know when you are calm, at peace

Clear your mind must be, if you are to find the villains behind this plot.

Listening to music sometimes, a window opens and happy you are.

Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is.

To answer power with power, the Jedi way this is not.

Attachment leads to jealously.
The shadow of greed, that is.

Better things than fighting, should a Jedi Master be doing!
Seeking wisdom. Finding balance.

Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is.

Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is

Yoda Quotes About Choices

Making the right choice is not always easy. It is tough and sometimes it can lead to many sleepless nights. But don’t worry Master Yoda has a lot to say about making choices. Upon reading these yoda quotes you will be more enlightened. Life is full of choices and it can be confusing at times. We are afraid of committing mistakes and we always worry if we chose the right one.

Make the decision, make another.
Remake one past, you cannot.

If you end your training now — if you choose the quick and easy path as Vader did — you will become an agent of evil.

You must unlearn what you have learned.

Through the force, things you will see.
Other places. The future, the past. Old friends long gone. – The Empire Strikes Back

No. Not yet. One thing remains. Vader. You must confront Vader.
Then, only then, a Jedi will you be and confront him you will.

Jedi will you be and confront him you will

Your path you must decide.

To be Jedi is to face the truth, and choose.
Give off light, or darkness, Padawan. Be a candle, or the night.

Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.
If no mistake have you made, yet losing you are… a different game you should play.

Yoda Quotes In A Dark Place

Being in a dark place is something that is not easy for anyone. You might feel that you are at the lowest point in your life right now and trying to make sense of all the sorrow that you’re dealing with but don’t worry, everything will be better in the end. Check out this list of famous quotes from Yoda and we hope you can seek guidance in these Yoda sayings.

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The dark side clouds everything.
Impossible to see the light, the future is.

The dark side clouds everything

Out of acceptance comes wisdom.
Not an acquirement wisdom is, not knowledge wisdom is, not information.
This quality of tremendous acceptance is wisdom.

Size matters not.

In a dark place we find ourselves, and a little more knowledge lights our way.

Hmm. To a dark place this line of thought will carry us.
Great care we must take.

Fear is the path to the dark side.
Fear leads to anger.
Anger leads to hate.
Hate leads to suffering.

Fear is the path to the dark side

Silence is not simply calmness or quietude.
Over all words and thoughts it implies transcendence.
A state of beyond, a state of pervasive peace, it denotes.

Death is a natural part of life.
Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force.
Mourn them do not.
Miss them do not.

Control, control, you must learn control!

Out of acceptance comes wisdom.
Not an acquirement wisdom is, not knowledge wisdom is, not information.
This quality of tremendous acceptance is wisdom.

In the end, cowards are those who follow the dark side.

In the end, cowards are those who follow the dark side.

Famous Quotes by Yoda

Want more of Yoda’s wisdom? It is no secret that Yoda is full of wisdom. No wonder many of us fall in love with his character. Check out these famous quotes by Yoda.

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Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is.

That is why you fail.

A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.

A Jedi craves not these things.

Judge me by my size, do you?

Wars not make one great.

Luminous beings are we…not this crude matter.

Luminous beings are we…not this crude matter


Found the Star Wars quotes Yoda ever have? We have compiled the best Yoda quotes on the force. Yoda said a lot of beautiful things that we can use as inspiration. If you want more other than Master Yoda Star Wars quotes, we have more for you!

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